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What Type of Roof Will You Choose?

Date: October 15, 2016

Explore The Options

If you have just acquired a new home in Arizona, you may be wondering what type of roof installation you should choose for your property. While it is possible to simply pick whatever the builder is offering for the lowest add-on fee, you can save yourself a lot of funds and heartbreak in the long run by looking at other options.

Roof Types and the Costs Involved

Asphalt Shingles

In the U.S., asphalt shingles are used on 70 percent of dwellings. They are immensely popular because of their low cost and longevity. Essentially, they can get the job done and last for 20-40 times as long as they’re properly maintained. However, asphalt shingles can be prone to cracking and breaking when faced with extreme heat. By keeping up with the appropriate upkeep, an asphalt roof can be a winning contender.

Clay and Concrete Tiles

In the past 15 years, clay and concrete tiles have become the more popular selection for new dwellings in Arizona. When scrutinizing why more new dwellings are choosing these type of roofs, it’s easy to see the reasons in our red-hot summer climate. Clay or concrete tile roofs have a much longer lifespan and its fair to be expected to last between 20 and 30 years. The tiles themselves will last much longer, but the underlayment is necessarily going to need replacement first. Tiles are strategically spaced so the roof can have optimum ventilation, which means it will cool down faster and last longer. They are also fireproof and will not rot.

Tile roofs require a structural engineer’s report to ensure no additional bracing is a requirement, if the homeowner is switching from a shingle roof to tile. How one’s home is made can determine how much weight the roof can handle. Having an engineer’s report helps ensure that the roof won’t be taking on too much weight.

Cost Considerations

For most homeowners, the costs of roofing is an essential issue. Clay and concrete tiles are often priced higher than asphalt shingles, but price is not ever the only factor. Unless you plan on living in your new residence for the rest of your life, you should consider shopping the price as well. Concrete and clay have the best price in this regard and can increase the appraisal value of your residence. When considering that the tiles can last a half a century with proper upkeep, it is clear why numerous homeowners pick the initial overhead of clay or concrete roofs.

So what type of roof will you choose? Although asphalt shingles have been used for most dwellings, concrete and clay tiles have made a lot of headway in the past decade or so. While present trends of concrete and clay tile roof in Arizona is likely to stay strong for the foreseeable future, make sure you do your homework. Feel comfy with your roof selection prior to beginning to work on the project.

About Mikku & Sons
Mikku and Sons red repair track with its logo painted on its side- roofing company track wraps
Our roofing company was founded in 2001 by Michael Riutta, who is still part of the ownership and management team. Between Michael, his two sons and co-owners, Devin and Joshua, and our crew members, we have many years of experience to handle any type of roof repair or roof installation solutions you may need.