Among all the components on your property, the most useful and critical among these is your roof! Designed to protect you, your family, and your belongings, your roof is the first line of defense against the elements! The summer heat and monsoon storms (along with the wind that accompanies them) are particularly harsh on roofs. Should you find yourself with roof damages and need an emergency fix right away, give these tips a shot!
Your roof is one the most vulnerable features of your home, so a roofing system is usually exposed to changing weather extremes which erodes the quality over time. This also increases the odds of damage and can facilitate an emergency roof repair scenario.
If your roof was damaged during a storm by wind, rain or hail, the best thing you can do is wait until the storm is over before assessing any damage. Once the storm is over and you have good lighting, go and take a look – it’s never worth the risk and danger to inspect during a storm.
Once the whether improves, you should go check your roof. If it has not been damaged too badly, you may be able to get away with minimal DIY repairs to fix up anything basic. For greater damages and breaks, a roof contractor will be able to help you.
As one of the most critical steps, buying a protective cover or tarp for your roof can help to minimize further damages and keep items inside of your house safe and secure. If you fear that water will still find its way inside, make sure to move any furniture and belongings into another room and out of harm’s way.
If you find a pool of water on your roof, make sure to get it removed as fast as possible. Still water that collects on your roof is not just harmful to your roofing system, but also attracts various pests who like stagnant water, such as mosquitoes!
If your roofing system has to undergo heavier repairs, do not try and attempt them yourself. Skilled and licensed contractors should be able to help, even in an emergency. Putting off repairs can cause your damages to grow and should never be put off!