Mikku and Sons Roofing logo, featuring a roof illustration on a transparent background 623-465-1068

Our Blogs

Top 5 Most Common Roof Problems
One of the most important aspects of your home is right over your head – quite literally! Your roof is something you want to keep in top-shape, especially con...
How to Tell If Heavy Winds Damaged Your Roof
It isn’t something you likely think about right after a storm – in most cases, we’re just thrilled to see the light break through and see the clouds part ...
Common Signs Of Wind Damage On A Roof
One of the worst things for the integrity of a roof is going through an intense storm. Surges of wind can pull up shingles and let the rain seep in. In rare cas...
Roof Rat Season And 5 Tips To Keep Them Out!
Why You Might Have Roof Rats When you think about it, roof rats are pretty similar to us; in the mild desert winter and spring, they come out and are the most a...
After The Storm - Roof Maintenance
Monsoon season in Phoenix is usually accompanied by some of the most extreme weather conditions that we face: heavy winds, dust storms, heavy rain, and sometime...