What are some common problems with tile roofs? Tile roofs are beautiful. They’re durable, long lasting and offer southwest style to any home. But they develop problems just like any other type of roof. Like most roof problems, the sooner a problem is discovered, the better. You’ll spend way less money fixing immediately than having to deal with bigger problems that may develop down the road.
In light of this, we’d like to point out a few common problems with tile roofs , so you can contact a reliable roofing contractor to fix your problem as soon as you spot it.
If you use quality materials, keep debris clear, inspect regularly and only use professional, licensed contractors to work on it, your tile roof will provide many years of protection and beauty to your home or business.
One of the biggest problems is using poor quality materials to install on your roof. Make sure you purchase tiles for your roof that are ASTM certified. The market for roofing materials has been strong and there’s been a flood low quality tiles pushed to consumers because of this. If you use non-ASTM certified tiles, your roof’s lifespan will be significantly reduced and you’ll have much more frequent need for repairs. Saving money in the installation will only cost you much more down the road.
Even if you use top quality tiles, if you use inexperienced , unlicensed or amateur contractors to install them, you’ll be sorry later. Make sure you’re hiring a reliable, professional, properly licensed and insured company like this one to do the job. This goes for any repairs you need, also. Don’t hire a handyman or someone that will do a cheap job for you to make any repairs on your roof. Make sure , again, that they’re a professional roofing contractor.
Material build-up on the tiles. The material tiles are made of is porous and susceptible to moisture and organic debris. If you have any trees that are constantly drooping leaves, branches, twigs or other debris on your roof, make sure you are diligent about removing it from your roof on a consistent basis. If you don’t, the tiles will begin to wear out and crack, or the debris will work its way under the tiles and destroy the integrity of the underlayment.
Storms and weather. Here in Arizona, we can have violent, sudden storms, especially during the monsoon season. High winds can knock tiles loose or cause them to slide, exposing the underlayment below. If you have trees near your roof, branches can sway in the wind and wreak havoc on your tiles. Make sure you check your roof after storms and have a professional roofing contractor inspect your roofs integrity at least once a year before the storm season starts.
Walking on the roof. Tiles are made from cast concrete or clay and can be broken if walked upon. Clay tiles can be especially sensitive to weight. Don’t walk on your roof unless there’s no way to avoid it. If you need to have a section of your roof checked that is hard to see from the ground, hire a professional roofer to inspect the area for you, to avoid risk and damage to the roof.