Is your roof ready for the heat? Phoenix has a lot of wonderful attributes, but the searing Summer heat isn’t one of them. Not only do we have intense heat but the monsoon storms can be extremely intense with strong winds. Combine these two and there’s definitely a yearly threat to the condition of your roof. It’s extremely important that you prepare your roof so that it might survive the weather with minimal damage.
Tall trees near your house can cause damage to your roof when swaying or falling during summer winds. At the least, they could cause leaks in your roof, but if the branches are big enough, one could literally crash down right through it.
When planting new trees, don’t plant too close to your home and with existing trees, hire a professional tree trimming service to clear away any branches that might have the potential to cause damage to your roof before the storm season starts. Trees that look unhealthy or might be dead should be removed. They could snap off at the trunk in a strong wind and threaten to crash down on the house.
If you have gutters and/or downspouts, make sure they are clear of debris before the monsoon season begins. If they’re clogged, they wont be able to divert water from heavy rains away from your roof and foundation, which could lead to water pooling on your roof, or near your home, potentially causing damage to shingles, tiles flat roof systems and your foundation.
Before the monsoon season starts is the perfect time to get your roof inspected by a professional roofing company like Mikku and Sons Roofing. Your roof may have cracked shingles, damaged or misplaced tiles, and possible underlayment damage caused by last year's storms that you don’t know about. If these exist, you could have more damage and roof leaking from the new season’s storms.
It will give you an opportunity to make any necessary minor repairs before the storms turn them in to major ones. You don’t want to learn the hard way that you have some previous damage in the middle of a major storm that causes water to start pouring through your ceiling.
Not only can our extreme heat be tough on your roof, it dramatically increases your cooling costs. If you have an older roof, you might want to think about a phoenix roof replacement and go to a cool roof system. These types of roofs are designed with materials that do a better job of reflecting, absorbing and redirecting heat to help keep your home cooler and your air conditioning bills lower. They can also be coated or painted with insulating materials that help with this task. Give a professional roofing company a call to discuss your options here.