When it comes to leaks in your home, your gut reaction may be to simply put a stop to the leak. However, what is often overlooked is the process of identifying and permanently repairing the leak at the source. While many leaks are caused by roof damage, there are still other common causes of leaks that homeowners should consider.
Shade trees are a premium landscaping feature here in the desert. You could have the most beautiful and full trees in your yard, but if they are not properly trimmed and distanced from your roof, you may experience damage from falling branches. Whether it may be from heavy winds in a storm that snap a tree limb, to being completely uprooted and knocked over, trees are certainly something you want to avoid damaging your home.
Chimneys and fireplaces are constructed in a way that may allow small leaks to develop inside or as materials age over time. Things to check for include any sealing and flashing around your chimney as well as the chimney cap. When it rains, watch for water drops from inside the chimney, moisture where it shouldn’t be, odors, and anything else out of the ordinary.
Your siding and stucco is prone to cracking under certain conditions; whether the material was improperly installed, is worn out and rotted, or affected by extreme weather conditions. Sealing these cracks and getting repairs made is essential to preventing further leaks.
Sometimes roofs begin to deteriorate and will have issues draining. Should you notice water ponding on your roof, especially after any storms have stopped, then it may be a sign to call in an experienced contractor to take a look. Water damage on roofs is a major safety concern, as it can affect everything from your tiles or shingles having a reduced lifespan, to causing damage to the structural integrity of your home!
It’s important to repair leaks right away, and it’s even more important to stop them at the source. For help identifying leaks when you find moisture or water damage inside and around your home where it shouldn’t be, give Mikku & Sons a call today. We offer free, no-obligation roof inspections and outstanding roofing repair or replacement. If your roof is in great condition, we’ll refer you to the right place to get your home back in good repair.