Monsoon season in Phoenix is usually accompanied by some of the most extreme weather conditions that we face: heavy winds, dust storms, heavy rain, and sometimes even hail. In 2010, the most expensive hailstorm Phoenix has faced resulted in nearly $3 billion in recorded losses. Even extreme heat is natural for our summers, leading to severe damage among unmaintained or old roofs.
Now that the monsoon season is coming to a close, you should take an opportunity to run over some roof maintenance before we have any end of the year storms roll through. Simple repairs and checks can help prevent hundreds to thousands of dollars in repair work and increase the overall longevity of your roof!
As a general rule of thumb, you need to be extremely cautious when on your roof – just walking on a roof can cause damage, and is particularly dangerous for those not accustomed to working with heights. We recommend that you use a pair of binoculars or the zoom feature of your phone’s camera to examine your roof for any monsoon damage, or to call Mikku & Sons Roofing for a free, full roof inspection.
Generally, you will be looking for:
Although this year was on the drier side, even sparse summer rains encourage the growth of outdoor foliage. Be sure to check around your home for loose or hanging branches, trees and shrubs in need of trimming, and piles of leaves where critters may nest.
Roofs that go unchecked risk developing leaks and even greater repairs! Minor water damage, small to large holes, and damage to paint and wall texture can cost you money you didn’t want to spend, just on repairs. If you wait even longer, more extreme water damage, sagging ceilings, or failing structural integrity can cost nearly $8000 or more!
Schedule an appointment for your roof tune-up today and keep it in top shape! Mikku & Sons Roofing has provided roof repair and maintenance to Arizona homeowners for over 19 years and can tune-up your roof today. Call now at (623) 465-1068.