Roofing scams happen far too frequently, especially after severe storms. When there’s a lot of damage property owners become impatient with professional roofing contractors get backed up. The most vulnerable are the elderly and handicapped who might not be able to easily assess the damage themselves. Because of this, its important to make sure to get background checks on any roofing contractor you’re dealing with. Make sure they are legitimate licensed and insured contractors. It is also important to check out the quality of their past work.
Roofing scams are usually initiated by a someone going door to door offering repair jobs for an unusually low quote. They may say their crew has leftover supplies from another “project” they just completed in the neighborhood, which will let them pass the savings on to the next lucky customer. This “contractor” will usually ask for a cash deposit in advance. They won’t leave bonafide contact information, credible references, and won’t even attempt to produce a business license. The work they do will be poorly completed or left unfinished. The “roofing contractor” and his crew will leave before the property owner figures out what has happened. This leaves the property owner with little or absolutely nothing to go on.
Finally, remember that a scammer will usually want the work to be done immediately since they don’t want to give you any extra time to figure out who and what they are. If the representative insists on starting the project as soon as possible, be sure that you have checked the company out completely before handing over any of your hard-earned money.